

08.06.2022 14:30

Virtual Roundtable: New Trends in Implementation and Enforcement of Trade and Sustainable Development Provisions


департамент „Политически науки“

Research Network:
Trade Implementation And Enforcement Research (TIER) и LSE Trade Policy Hub (TPH)

Ulrich Weigl, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Trade (European Commission)
Daniel Bloemers, Policy Officer, Directorate-General for Trade (European Commission)
Pierre Bouchard, Director, Trade and Labour Affairs division, Labour Program of Employment and Social Development Canada
Dana Cryderman, Deputy Director - Inclusive Trade, Global Affairs Canada
Dominik Ledergerber, Senior Advisor, Federal, Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, Free Trade Agreements/EFTA Division
Kathleen Claussen, Visiting Professor, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law (spring 2022); Professor, University of Miami School of Law

Jean-Baptiste Velut, Associate Professor in American Studies, Sorbonne Nouvelle University of Paris; Lead of the TSD project
Elitsa Garnizova, Director, Trade Policy Hub (LSE Consulting)


We will start with a brief introduction using our comparative study on the implementation and enforcement of TSD provisions as a starting point. Then, we will follow the order of speakers in the updated invitation.


Why this event?
The aim of the event will be to discuss some of the key findings of our recent LSE TPH’s comparative analysis across a wide group of stakeholders from policy-makers, academics and civil society, as well as to discuss a research agenda, which can further inform the ongoing debate on how to maximise the impact of Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) provisions through innovative implementation and enforcement practices. What happens next? The outcome of the event will set out important next steps for research to strengthen the monitoring, implementation and enforcement of TSD provisions. In turn, this will become a core part of the work of the Trade Implementation and Enforcement Research Network (TIER), a new international policy research program funded by UACES – University Association for Contemporary European Studies. What is the TIER network? The TIER network aims to bring together and develop different strands of research exploring the negotiation, implementation and enforcement of trade provisions. TIER comprises PhD students, Early Career Researchers and senior scholars not only from the United Kingdom and the European Union, but across the globe. The network was founded by Dr Elitsa Garnizova and is hosted by the New Bulgarian University (NBU) in Sofia, Bulgaria.