

05.03.2022 20:00

The Byzantine Legacy

В рамките на семинар „Археология на Балканите и Източното Средиземноморие“.


департамент „Археология“
Фондация „Балканско наследство“

David Hendrix

Богдан Атанасов, Иван Василев

The Byzantine Legacy project was created with the aim of providing accessible information on the Byzantine monuments of Istanbul. It consists of a website, social media, and a photo archive. In the beginning of the project in 2015-2016, most of the Byzantine monuments in Istanbul did not have information boards. Many other aspects of Byzantine heritage, such as numerous Greek and Latin inscriptions, were also not accessible to the public. The Byzantine Legacy project includes a website with individual web pages on the monuments of Istanbul, including its land and sea walls, individual churches, palace ruins, and many cisterns. Each page has texts summaries on individual monuments, primary sources, translations, recent photos, historic images, plans, and pictures of artifacts from the site. There are also numerous maps based on categories, such as the Byzantine churches of Istanbul, sites in the hinterland of Constantinople, sites in Bithynia, and so forth. While the project currently focuses on Istanbul, there are many other cities, sites, and monuments on the website as well, though much more work is needed to develop these aspects of the project.

In addition to the website, there is also an extensive photo archive on Flickr, which is constantly increasing in number. The Byzantine Legacy project also includes a social media dimension, with regular posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The largest number of followers is on Twitter, now almost 70k followers. Future developments will require funding, an academic board, collaboration with scholars and organizations, and other organizational developments.

Дейвид Хендрикс e основател на проекта „Византийско наследство“. В рамките на проектът са събрани, систематизирани и предоставени на научната и широката общественост данни за голям брой Византийски паметници. Първоначалният фокус на проекта са църкви, мозайки, дворци, укрепителни съоръжения, цистерни и надписи в Истанбул и Витиня, но постепенно базата от данни се обогатява с информация за обекти от Източното и Централното Средиземноморие.

Повече информация може да се открие на интернет-страницата на проекта: https://www.thebyzantinelegacy.com/