

02.05.2023 14:40

Департаментен уъркшоп от Цикъла семинари по иновации и предприемачество

Departmental Workshop of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar Series

Корпус 2, зала 304
Corpus 2, Hall 304

Департамент „Администрация и управление“
Department of Administration and Management

Edward Simmelink
Hans Houf
Christophe Nundloll
Wilfried Durand 

Senior Assist. Professor Dr Juliana Hadjitchoneva, Department of Administration and Management,
Entrepreneurship&Innovation Teacher


Модератор и дискутант:
Гл. ас. д-р Юлиана Хаджичонева, департамент „Администрация и управление“, п
реподавател по предприемачество и иновации


  • Students from NBU’s Bachelor, Master, and PhD programmes in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Economic and Social Sciences, and others,
  • Lecturers and Researchers from NBU,
  • Wider public interested in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems’ building and Networking for Innovations.


  • Студенти от бакалавърските, магистърските и докторските програми на НБУ по бизнес администрация и предприемачество, икономика, социални науки и др.,
  • Преподаватели и изследователи от НБУ,
  • По-широка публика, която се интересува от изграждането на предприемачески екосистеми и развиване на мрежи за иновации.

Main pillars of the workshop: 


  • Main components for an entrepreneurial ecosystem to thrive
  • Examples of local and global ecosystems (objectives, missions, and impact) 
    • French Tech Sofia  
    • Dutch Ecosystem in Bulgaria 
    • A global vertical network about E-mobility 
  • A map of key actors, resources, and initiatives in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, including what each actor can offer to others and what support they would like to receive 
  • Member value creation in an ecosystem and what are the monetization options?  
  • How to facilitate collaboration and new connections with key actors in an entrepreneurial ecosystem?
  • Questions / Answers

Working language: English.

Основни стълбове на семинара:

- Основни компоненти за процъфтяване на предприемаческата екосистема

- Примери за местни и глобални екосистеми (цели, мисии и въздействие)

  • French Tech Sofia
  • Холандската екосистема в България
  • Глобална вертикална мрежа за е-мобилност

- Карта на ключовите участници, ресурси и инициативи в предприемаческата екосистема, включително какво всеки участник може да предложи на другите и каква подкрепа би искал да получи

- Създаване на стойност от страна на членовете на екосистемата и какви са възможностите за монетизация? 

- Как да се улесни сътрудничеството и новите връзки с ключовите участници в предприемаческата екосистема?

Работен език на събитието: Английски език.

Event related to the preparation of the 63rd International Congress of French-speaking Economists in 2024 in Bulgaria, the Days of Francophonie at the NBU, the Calendar of the Francophonie of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), and the Initiatives to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the full membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)

Събитие, свързано с подготовката на 63-ия Международен конгрес на икономистите с френски език през 2024 г. в България, Дните на франкофонията в НБУ, Календара на франкофонията на Университетската агенция на Франкофонията (AUF) и Инициативите за отбелязване на 30-годишнината от пълноправното членство на Република България в Международната организация на Франкофонията (OIF)

Building entrepreneurial ecosystems and developing networks for innovation:


  • Building local and global entrepreneurial Monetization of a network 
  • 3 examples: French Tech Sofia, the Dutch ecosystem in Bulgaria and a global vertical network about e-mobility 


Изграждане на предприемачески екосистеми и развитие на мрежи за иновации:

  • Изграждане на местни и глобални предприемачески екосистеми. Монетизиране на мрежа
  • 3 примера: Френската Tech Sofia, холандската екосистема в България и глобална вертикална мрежа за електронна мобилност

Speaker’s bio 


Edward Simmelink 

Studied economics and logistics in Amsterdam and London. Serial entrepreneur for almost 25 years. Started in the 90's in Geographical Information Systems. Opened several startups related to digital cartography. Lived in several countries helping companies to grow. Moved to Bulgaria 6 years ago, involved in setting up customer service projects like Disney+, Chargepoint and Thomas Cook. Joined Lounjee some years ago and responsible for partnerships and creating business concepts.Connecting professionals is a way of life! 

Hans Houf 

Hans Houf is currently working as CEO of BullCharge, a start-up in the field of e-mobility infrastructure. He also has seats on supervisory & advisory boards in several start-up and grow-up companies across Europe. He holds a Master in Science and a Master in Business Studies. Hans is now over 25 years active as serial entrepreneur, as an investor and as strategy & innovation consultant. New ventures have been developed in several areas: new high performance materials, water purification, multimedia & interactive television, distance care & distance learning, circular waste & energy solutions and smart sustainable greenhouses & food production. Ideas have been developed towards start-up companies and start-ups have been grown to small international companies active in Europe, Middle East and the Far East.

Christophe Nundloll 

Studied International Business in France and USA. +15 years of experience in sales and international business development in video software and SaaS platforms working with leading US tech companies (DivX, Rovi, Tivo, NeuLion, IMG, Endeavor). Co-Founded Lounjee in 2016, a company specialized in connecting professionals and building vertical networks of experts in Agriculture, Energy or Climate Change. Involved in art projects like the International Biennale of Glass happening in October 2023 in Bulgaria. 

Wilfried Durand 

Wilfried is a French entrepreneur, founder, and CEO at Onvey, a company editing SaaS products that serves over 4000 customers globally, ranging from SMBs to Fortune 500, and invests in early-stage tech and B2B startups. His entrepreneurial journey started in 2010 when he co-founded Mailjet, an emailing solution and market leader in its field, before being acquired in 2019. He moved to Bulgaria in 2017 where he also co-founded the French Tech Sofia NGO, a non-profit organization and community backed by the French government aiming to support business between Bulgaria and France.