

30.11.2022 09:15

ERUA Traveling seminar

How do students and citizens organize solidary action to create sustainable futures?

Building 1, hall 20

The economic and financial crises, the pandemics, the wars and conflicts have exacerbated long existing economic and social problems around the world, and analyses and forecasts by international organisations indicate that adverse economic and social effects will continue in the years ahead. The need for innovative and long-term solutions to social problems has come to the fore. There is no doubt that we need a radical rethinking and change of the existing economic and social model, of the economic and social policies as well as of the behaviour and activities at the individual level. In this context, civil society initiatives, projects and organisations play an important role. In recent years, the social and solidarity economy  (cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations and social enterprises) and the collaborative economy have rapidly
developed in Europe. The self-organisation, the inclusive and collective nature, the mutuality, the solidarity,
the democratic governance, the primacy of people and social purpose over capital inherent in these organisations help to meet unmet needs of society and are becoming drivers of social transformation and change in many developed and developing countries.

Against this backdrop, the current crises provide favourable opportunities for civil society organisations in Bulgaria to accelerate their development, implement projects with social impact and contribute to the development of an inclusive and sustainable economy. Similarly to the developed European countries, in Bulgaria we have recently witnessed a rapid growth of civil society initiatives, which are often informal, spontaneous and voluntary but they still remain unnoticed and slightly explored. At the same time, they are largely influenced by the experience and practices in the developed European countries. In this regard, the main objective of the traveling seminar is to stimulate and generate ideas and concrete proposals from researchers and students to further encourage initiatives and implement projects of all citizens and
particularly of young people that will ensure a sustainable future for all.

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