

10.07.2018 18:30

Майсторски клас на проф. Самози

Developing a Career in the Era of Work - free Master Class

Корпус 1, 310 аудитория „Проф. Петър Мутафчиев“

Нов български университет
сп. Образование и специализация в чужбина 

New Bulgarian University, Hall 310, Sector 1

New Bulgarian University

Hurry up and join the Free Master Class of the University of Sheffield - one of the Top 100 Universities in the World covering the toppic of Developing a Career in the Era of Work - LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE! The world of work has changed dramatically and will continue to change and evolve both from an employee and employer perspective. Deciding on a career plan is critical to ensure you are ready for tomorrow. This presentation will seek to put these issues into perspective and answer the following:

- What exactly is a knowledge based world and workplace?
- What does the young generation want from work? 
- What are my two career options?
- Just how important is social capital (networking)?
- How can I used the BUILD model to career development

Registration here.