

29.05.2024 16:20

Семинар „Поведенческа мимикрия или Ефект на хамелеона“

Behavioural mimicry or the so-called Chameleon Effect

Корпус 1, зала 405

департамент „Когнитивна наука и психология“

д-р Войчех Кулеша (SWPS)

проф. д-р Лилия Гурова

преподаватели, студенти и гости на НБУ

Семинарът ще се проведе на английски език.

Research on behavioral mimicry clearly shows that this simple, fast, and automatic mechanism, taking place on (mostly) nonverbal, verbal, and facial expressions of emotions, leads to a vast number of benefits (mostly to mimicker) and (some) costs. During the lecture, the main concepts and results related to behavioral mimicry will be briefly summarized. At the end, possible future directions for research and collaboration will be discussed.

Wojciech Kulesza is a Professor (2024, Habilitation 2016, PhD 2007) and a Director of the Social Psychology Division (SWPS) at the University of Warsaw. His main areas of scientific interest involve mimicry research and social biases. He is a co-author of a chapter entitled "The benefits — and costs — of behavioural mimicry: applications in marketing, sales, and therapy" in the first-ever textbook on mimicry (O. Genschow & E. Cracco [Eds.]. Automatic Imitation. Springer Nature), which will be published in the Summer of 2024.