

31.01.2024 16:20

Closer to us, part of our world: A guidebook for dementia caregivers

По-близо до нас, част от нашия свят: Придружаващ наръчник за лица, грижещи се за хора с деменция

Корпус 1, зала 20

департамент „Когнитивна наука и психология“

д-р Феликс Диас (AUBG)

проф. д-р Лилия Гурова

преподаватели, студенти и гости на НБУ

Семинарът ще се проведе на английски език.

The purpose of the book which will be presented is to bring to formal and informal caregivers for dementia in Bulgaria a detailed introduction to approaches to understanding dementia and working on it which are grounded on everyday life, and on close support by caregivers. This includes four perspectives:

- person-oriented dementia care;

- the application of principles of ethnography and conversation analysis to communication disorders;

- intervention strategies based on reminiscence and story-telling;

- interventions to enhance orientation to reality.

In all cases, these ‘techniques’ are things that formal and informal caregivers actually do, one way or another. The guide brings ideas and tips to think about how to do it better. It puts people who are in a process of progressive cognitive deterioration in the center of life and decision making; it demonstrates the relevance of promoting quality of life, however close death may be; it promotes overcoming complaints about the passivity of the powerful and replacing them with initiatives for improving work on the ground; and it promotes the scientific value of knowledge which is grounded on intersubjective experience.

Félix Díaz (BSc Psychology, 1991; PhD Psychology, 1994) is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the American University in Bulgaria. He formerly taught for 18 years at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), where he mostly contributed to their Speech and Language Therapy degree, and partially to the Social Education, Occupational Therapy and Social Work degrees.

His current research engagements are twofold: a project to define the mental health needs and resources among refugees in Greek refugee camps, and a project to enhance the quality of life, cognitive functioning and communication of persons with dementia in Bulgaria. In recent years he has developed projects to explore the way in which identity is built through autobiographic narrative, and to analyse children and clinical linguistic corpora to establish a comprehensive system of pragmatic assessment.

He has recently published Body Image as an Everyday Problematic: Looking good (Routledge, 2017), a monograph on the problematics of body image; a text in Spanish on qualitative assessment techniques in Speech and Language Therapy (Técnicas de Evaluación Cualitativa en Logopedia, Síntesis, 2020); and a guidebook for dementia caregivers in Bulgarian (По-близо до нас, част от нашия свят: придружаващ наръчник за лица, грижещи се за хора с деменция). Through the last 27 years he has published dozens of papers and chapters in the fields of mental health, qualitative social research methods and analyzing common and impaired conversation.



Изображение: AUBG Daily