

08.06.2023 10:00

Софийско бизнес училище

AI and ChatGPT: Тhe Ultimate Propeller of Change in Global Economy

Корпус 1, зала 20

Училище за професионално и продължаващо обучение към НБУ

Marco Giuffridaю
Dimitar Ouzounov
Aleksandar Apostolov
Dr. Nikola Konstantonov
Prof. Yasen Gorbunov 

Илиян Василев

студенти и докторанти на НБУ, преподаватели, представители на бизнеса

Софийско Бизнес Училище (СБУ) е проект на Нов български университет и Реформ Юнион Клуб, провеждано ежегодно в НБУ. Лятното 12-то издание на СБУ за 2023 г. ще се проведе на 08 юни 2023 г. Програмата на събитието може да бъде намерена тук.


Форумът предлага ексклузивни лекции от водещи световни и български икономисти, финансисти и експерти от различни области. Тази инициатива на НБУ от редица години среща лекторите със студенти, докторанти, млади специалисти и представители на бизнеса от България, за да представят и обсъждат различни казуси, тенденции в икономическото и др. развитие, по актуални теми в световен и национален мащаб в контекста на предизвикателствата, които България и региона решават.

Тази година фокус на събитието е изкуствения интелект и ChatGTP.

10:00 – 10:10


Welcome Аddress



Ambassador Ilian Vassilev – Co-founder of the Reform Union Club; Programme Director of the Sofia Business School


10:10 - 11:10

AI: From Language Models to General Intellect


Keynote Speaker: Aleksandar Apostolov


Aleksandar has worked in London as a principal machine learning engineer in the financial sector. He has gained extensive experience applying modern NLP to real-world problems. He has worked mainly with big banks, such as Deutsche, HSBC and Barclays, delivering solutions to a variety of issues. With 5 years of experience, he has applied knowledge of both research and engineering, graduating from Imperial College London with his Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence.


11:10– 12:00


The Global Moves to Regulate Artificial Intelligence – Conservative vs Liberal Approach


Keynote Speaker: Marco Giuffrida


Marco Giuffrida is a senior judicial law clerk at the Tribunal of Cremona, Italy. He has gained extensive experience in participating in civil and criminal litigation hearings and council chambers. He serves as an Associate Editor at the Trento Student Law Review, a newly founded law journal published by the University of Trento. Marco has co-founded Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni, an association focused on promoting awareness of economic, legal, and social issues, alongside the former Italian Minister of Labour, Professor Elsa Fornero. He is currently hosting a podcast addressing a variety of law-related topics. Under his editorial guidance, the association's podcast has achieved significant success, reaching the top 100 of the most-listened-to episodes in Italy and the top 3 in the "educational category" according to iTunes data.

He provides conprehensive analyses on the topic of AI regulations with special regard to the relationship between data privacy and AI.

12:00 – 13:00


Lunch Break


13:00 – 13:50


Geospace Observation of Natural Disasters


Keynote Speaker: Dimitar Ouzounov


Dimitar Ouzounov is a Bulgarian–American geophysicist, research scientist, academic, and author. He is a research professor of geophysics at Institute for Earth, Computing, Human and Observing (Institute for ECHO), Chapman University.

Ouzounov has worked in cross-disciplinary problem-solving related to Earth system science, Geophysics, and Natural Hazards, with a focus on geohazards, earthquake science, geospace observations, and the interaction between geospheres. In particular, he has researched using near-space Earth observations to study geodynamic processes and contributed to the validation of a new geophysical theory related to earthquake processes.


13:50 – 14:40


Machine Learning with Insecure and Disperse Data


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nikola Konstantinov


Nikola Konstantinov is an incoming tenure-track faculty at INSAIT. He holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Oxford and a PhD degree from IST Austria. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the ETH AI Center, Zurich, working under the supervision of Prof. Martin Vechev and Prof. Fanny Yang. In 2017, he was awarded Davies Prize by Jesus College, Oxford, for the most outstanding performance in a Finals Honours School. In 2022, he received the Nomination for the best PhD thesis award at IST Austria. Since April 2023 Nikola is a member of the ELLIS Society (the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems), a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. 

His research interests lie in the area of trustworthy machine learning.


14:40 – 15:00  


Coffee Break


15:00 – 16:00


Unlocking the Power of AI: Exploring ChatGPT


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Yasen Gorbunov


Prof. Yasen Gobunov has graduated from Technical University - Sofia, where he received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Automation. He is currently an associate professor at the Informatics Department, New Bulgarian University. His research interests, along with his teaching activities, are in digital circuit engineering, process automation, robotics, embedded system, computer architectures, high-performance computing, and autonomous vehicles. He has participated in over 15 international projects and co-authorеа over 60 scientific works.


16:00 – 16:50


Discussion Session




Ambassador Ilian Vassilev


Amb. Ilian Vassilev is Managing Director of Innovative Energy Solutions ( investment and energy strategic and project consultancy); Member of the Board of the Centre for Balkan and Black Sea Studies; Honorary Chair of the Bulgarian Economic Forum; Chair of the Board of Alternatives & Analysis; Co-founder of the Reform Union Club.


Ekatherina Tzvetanova-Georgieva


She is an assistant professor at New Bulgarian University. Her area of expertise includes modelling of economic processes, enterprise risk management, and credit risk evaluation. She participated in different projects as an expert in the field of asset quality review in the Bulgarian banking sector, implementation of an Enterprise Risk Management system, and construction of credit risk models. Also, she is participating in different scientific projects in the agriculture sector.