

11.09.2023 11:24

Trade implementation and enforcement research network

TIER organised two thought-provoking panels at 53rd UACES Annual Conference 2023. The conference which brings academics in the field of contemporary European studies took place in Belfast at Queen's University Belfast (QUB). The conference took place from 3-6 September 2023, with a virtual day being held on 11 September. Trade panels were part of a conference themed track: “Trade Policy under Pressure? Global challenges and sustainability”.


Panel 307: Trade Policy Trajectories: Frenemies, Rivalries and Races in the EU and beyond




Chair(s): Elitsa Garnizova (NBU, LSE)


Global economies are facing multiple interrelated crises, where trade policy plays a key but often understated role. From sanctions to the Russian economy to decoupling from China, and reshaping economies in the face of climate emergencies, European countries are increasingly using trade and industrial policy to address geoeconomics and geopolitical challenges. Conceptualising trade policy in this fluid space requires an exchange between different geographies, sectors, and approaches. This panel shapes the debate by looking at the trajectories in front of EU and UK trade policies; the importance of implementation and enforcement in EU trade; and the intersection between trade, sustainable development and digital transformation. The panel combines legal, economic, and policy perspectives on the role of trade and digital policies in addressing global challenges. This panel is organised by the UACES-supported TIER network.


Participants: Joris Larik, Elaine Fahey, Maria Garcia; Sangeeta Khorana



Panel 407: Roundtable: Trade-Sustainability-Security: the New Impossible Trinity?


Chair(s): Sangeeta Khorana (Bournemouth University), Maria Garcia (University of Bath)


This non-traditional panel will bring together academic experts and policy-makers to discuss and challenge existing conceptualisations of trade policy instruments.The roundtable will include three paper presentations which relate to conceptualising the trade-sustainability-security nexus and two reflections from an EU policy-maker and an NI business association. The topic is particularly relevant due to the proliferation of unilateral action by the EU and other economies and the growing need to understand and analyse their commonalities and differences. After starting with a conceptual paper, the roundtable will zoom in on two European instruments in particular: the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Anti-Coercion Instrument (ACI). This roundtable is organised by the UACES-supported TIER network, which consists of policy professionals and academics, to bridge the discussion across the two spaces.




Participants: Patricia Garcia-Duran, Caroline Marful, Isabelle Nazarian, Lars Nilsson, Elitsa Garnizova